
Dr. Jentschura’s New NaturKunde Akademie

Dr. Peter Jentschura from Germany is a world renown researcher, book author and inventor of the triple jump to purification. His research on the human biochemistry helped millions of people in about 30 different countries. You can support your body to cleanse in alkaline full and foot bath with AlkaBath, detox drinking AlkaHerb tea with 49 organic herbs and plants, and deeply nourish your body with organic food products like MorgenStund, Tischlein and Wurzelkraft.

His newest project is to build a NaturKunde Akademie, an academy for the science of nature.

“The purpose of the Jentschura NaturKundeAkademie is to consistently pass on our knowledge of human metabolism and our products and their use in order to make a lasting contribution to well-being, beauty and joie de vivre. And we want to enthuse people for a natural, healthy way of life and inspire them to preserve nature and the diversity of creation in their divinity” Dr. Peter Jentschura.

The new building is supposed to be finished in autumn 2022. Congratulations!